Nada como perderse entre los estrechos callejones medievales del Barrio Gótico (Ciutat Vella en Catalán) una noche de verano cualquiera. Allí, entre pequeños balcones y senderos empedrados se contempla el pasado histórico de más de 2,000 años de la antigua ciudad de Barcelona o Barcino, en latín, como bien se le conocía cuando fue colonia…


Have you ever thought, in a corner of your mind, if single use objects could have a better fate than being thrown in the recycle bin? Actually, lots of people around the world already have thought about new ways to stop single use objects and give a new purpose to such things. Pinterest, is an enlighting…

DISILLUSIONMENT: US politics over the last twenty years

With the lowest voter turnout in twenty years in 2016, it is apparent that the people of the US have become disillusioned and apathetic towards politics. Owning undoubtedly to a sense of powerlessness and hopelessness. Despite the best intentions of many well meaning and intelligent Americans, those at the helm of government continue to act…


Não é novidade para ninguém que o consumo de carne e proteína de origem animal vem sendo reduzido cada vez mais. Já passa de 10% o número de Brasileiros que se declaram vegetarianos. A Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira (SVB) estima que dos 30 milhões de brasileiros são vegetarianos e cerca de 7 milhões veganos. O Vegetarianismo…


The OxForest Web Magazine works together towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and finds solutions for realizing a sustainable world throught its network and resources. The Members respect and embrace its member’s diversity: nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, age, appearance, ability, sexual orientation and gender identity. We will not accept any forms of prejudice, racism…


 As we enter Autumn and the cold season, cheese is a star among ingredients. French people enjoy sharing an evening with friends having a “raclette” (a dish in which people use a machine to melt cheese before pouring it onto meats and vegetables in their plates), or “tartiflette” (a dish in which the main ingredients…


Related post: KoKo’s Mexico Photo Gallery YouTube by Keisuke Hirasawa (365 days of KeisukeJapon)Introduction by Takeshi InagawaOur new member, Keisuke Hirasawa, has a YouTube Channel “365 days of KeisukeJapon” containing Drone aerial shooting and 4K high-definision movies. Below we posted five movies from Latin America: Nicaragua, Cuba and Bolivia. YouTube Channel 365 days of KeisukeJapon:

🇲🇽 KoKo’s Mexico Photo Gallery

Related post: Latin America’s YouTube Channel Photo by Kotomi KobayashiIntroducion by Takeshi Inagawa A friend of mine, Kotomi Kobayashi (KoKo) – the owner of KoKo Hair Design in Mexico City, posted a photo gallery below to introduce Mexico’s beautiful nature and culture. We are Yoga friends, while she is a strict vegetarian and turnes her beauty…


(AFP) Britain’s Prince William on Thursday launched a “prestigious” environmental prize aimed at turning “pessimism into optimism” by rewarding innovative solutions to the planet’s biggest problems. The Earthshot Prize will present five £1 million ($1.3-million, 1.1-million-euro) awards each year for the next 10 years, to “incentivise change and help to repair our planet,” said his…

🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ rights in Japan and the same-sex partnership certificate

Paula Fernández, our Deputy Editor-in-Chief, wrote an article on LGBTQ rights in Japan. Her research includes gender and sexual minorities for her MSc and PhD. The OxForest Web Magazine does not only feature the environment and sustainable development, but also the issues that shape people’s lives around the world. Gender equality and LBGTQ rights are…

What is “OxForest”? towards animal welfare in our industrial agriculture

What is “OxForest”?   It is a coined word meaning “cow (= ox) forest”. The name is based on the ideal image of cows, which are often recognized as mere livestock animals, running around freely in a forest. It contains our hope that the world’s deforestation and climate change will be stopped, while animal welfare will be enhanced.  The burner logo of…

Writers Needed!

Our web magazine consists of three key sections: ENVIRONMENT, Sustainable Development (every target and indicator for all 17 of the SDGs), and GO GLOBAL (culture, travel, studying abroad and language learning) for a general audience to change the way we see the world from different perspectives. We are a world-class professional network for the Environment and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 58 members with 21 nationalities…

Introduction to our first African member: Lucious

Lucious Matiki: Writer (Africa business), OxForest I am Lucious from Malawi, East Africa, a graduate of Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Exploits University in Malawi, also a holder of tropical agriculture certificate from the City and Guilds of London Institute. I speak English, Portuguese, Chichewa, Tumbuka and a little of Swahili. I recently joined…

🇪🇦 Introduction to Spanish language by Paula

 Many readers will know the Spanish culture and Spaniards for their cheerful and relaxed attitude towards life. Spanish fascinating culinary culture also counts with internationally well-known dishes, such as paella, tapas and ajillo. Others are fascinated by Spanish historical past and its majestic architecture, with masterpieces such as La Sagrada Familia and La Alhambra. Spain…